Imam Zarkasyi’s Modernization of Pesantren in Indonesia (A Case Study of Darussalam Gontor)

Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi


This paper aimed at elaborating Imam Zarkasyi’s thought and practices in modernizing the traditional Islamic education called Pesantren. The method employed for this study is descriptive and explanatory research. The data is collected from documents such as books, research article and brochure, and from author observation from time to time. This paper identifies that the educational thought and experiences of Imam Zarkasyi as well as his religious inclination played an important role in his modernization of pesantren. The research also found that Imam Zarkasyi’s thought and practices in modernizing Pesantren system started from his serious observation and evaluation as well as his appreciation of traditional pesantren and madrasah system of education. The step taken by Imam Zarkasyi to modernize the education system was by integrating pesantren and madrasah system. In modernizing curriculum Imam Zarkasyi integrated the formal, non-formal and informal education utilizing pesantren environment. Students are taught not only subjects on religion and general sciences in the classroom, but also obtaining morality, mental and job skill education and other values in pesantren tradition within a well-designed informal and non-formal education.  Finally, to ensure the sustainability of pesantren Imam Zarkasyi changed the status of Pesantren institution from personal ownership into public property by way Waqf. The thought had been practically implemented successfully in secondary level and now the Waqf  Board started to implement the practice at university level.


Pesantren, system, integration, educational thought.

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