Gorontalo Tradition of Molobunga Yiliyala: Cultural and Islamic Law Perspectives

Sofyan A.P. Kau, Nazar Husain Hadi Pranata Wibawa, Ajub Ishak, Zumiyati Sanu Ibrahim


This study delves into the Gorontalo tradition of Molobunga Yiliyala, which pertains to the burial of the placenta, from both cultural and Islamic law perspectives. The cultural viewpoint is garnered through interviews with a customary leader, while the Islamic legal perspective is acquired through consultations with a religious figure. In addition to interviews, observations, and document analyses were employed as methodological tools. The research elucidates a symbiotic relationship between culture and religion, epitomized by the principal figures overseeing the Molobunga Yiliyala ritual: the Hulango (customary leader) and the Imamu or Hatibi (religious figure). Culturally, the Molobunga Yiliyala tradition is replete with profound symbolic meanings. This tradition is predicated on humanitarian considerations, as the Yiliyala (placenta) is recognized as a part of the human body deserving reverence. Consequently, it is ceremonially cleansed, shrouded, buried, and accompanied by post-burial prayers. Based on the perspective of maqâshid al-syari‘ah, the Molobunga Yiliyala ritual embodies an actionable manifestation of environmental cleanliness. The Molobunga Yiliyala is deemed sunnah or encouraged in alignment with Islamic jurisprudential principles. As a result, the tradition of Molobunga Yiliyala is categorized as a part of the ‘urf or customary practices within the epistemological paradigm of Islamic law. Each phase of the Molobunga Yiliyala ritual highlights the intricate acculturation of Islam with the indigenous Gorontalo culture.


Culture, Islamic Law, Molobunga Yiliyala

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/qijis.v11i2.19482


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