Using Poetry as a Counseling Media to Overcome Adolescent Problems: Systematic Literature Review

Evita Diana, Filzah Andina Khaerani, Khusnul Khotimah, Maharani Zhafirah Wijaya, Ribut Purwaningrum


Using Poetry as a Counseling Media to Overcome Adolescent Problems: Systematic Literature Review. The purpose of this study was to discover how successfully use poetry as a counseling medium to overcome adolescents’ problems. This study used a systematic literature review as a method of data collection from various online journal article sites. The authors searched publications of journal articles from 2011 to 2021 and used 9 of 23 related articles. The results of this study discovered that poetry could be a medium of counseling to reduce various adolescents’ problems, namely lack of confidence, low self-esteem, depression, stress, and even anxiety. From the 9 articles collected, it has been proved that poetry is quite effective in reducing adolescents’ problems seen from pre-test and post-test results conducted by the researchers. It is recommended for future researchers to replace or expand research variables in order to obtain more adequate references and samples.

Keywords: Poetry, Counseling Media, Adolescent Problems, Systematic Literature Review

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