The Effectiveness of Online Zakat in Community Economic Development: A Study of the Dompet Dhuafa and Rumah Zakat Websites

Muhamad Mustaqim, Ahmad Atabik


The existence of an online zakat institution will make it easy for the community (muzakki) to give zakat.This study aims to understand the effectiveness of online zakat management on two zakat institution websites.This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, with content analysis method.The results of the study show that the use of the website as a medium for socialization, implementation and distribution of zakat is effective.The existence of management transparency to the public, both through the release of financial reports and activity reports, is an indicator of public trust in this zakat fundrising institution.To make it even easier, some zakat managers also provide smartphone platforms such as Android applications and the like.

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online zakat, economic development, zakat website, dompet dhuafa, rumah zakat

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