Autonomous Learning: Manifestasi Merdeka Belajar Bahasa di Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab

Eva Iryani, muhammad sobri, Friscilla Wulan Tersta


This study aims to provide several exposures and indicators regarding student perceptions of autonomous learning in increasing the students’ language capacity. In addition, this research is expected to be able to describe several views and in-depth efforts of the participants in increasing their language capacity independently. Mixed-Method was utilized in this study in order to enrich the data both quantitative and qualitative. As a result, the data generated can be more comprehensive in exploring the problem. For quantitative data, the questionnaire was adopted from Khem Raj Joshi (2011) which includes: learner awareness, self-effort, broader autonomous activities, self- esteem, use of reference materials, motivation, and use of technology in learning. Furthermore, for qualitative data, the interview was gathered in order to know the students' arguments related to their reason for being autonomous learners based on the questionnaire. The result of the study found that students have a high level of autonomy in the use of technology in learning. Vice versa, the students categorize as a low level of autonomy based on the indicator of motivation in which they are seldom to give the reward for themselves.


Autonomous Learning, Independence Study, Language Capacity

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