Diglossia Dynamics Among l2 Arabic-Speakers Of Indonesian Islamic Boarding School; The Translanguaging Influence

Nely Rahmawati Zaimah


This research delves into the dynamics of Arabic Diglossia within the context of Indonesian Islamic boarding schools, comparing modern and traditional approaches. Using a qualitative methodology, this study explores the practice of translanguaging, its impact on language proficiency, and L2 Arabic Learners' exposure to diglossia. With 30 participants from both modern and traditional pesantrens, the research aims to demonstrate that students in modern Islamic boarding schools exhibit a more intensive practice of translanguaging, leading to proficiency in Colloquial Arabic (CA) for everyday communication. In contrast, students in Pesantren Salaf prioritize Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) for formal and religious studies. The research findings shed light on how these linguistic dynamics influence students' language proficiency and communication strategies. This knowledge can inform more effective language education approaches in Indonesia and enhance the understanding of Arab Diglossia and broader bi/multilingual studies within the unique landscape of Islamic boarding schools.


Arabic Diglossia; Translanguaging; L2 Arabic Learners

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/arabia.v15i2.22930


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