Teaching Sound of Arabic and Its Implementation in Maharah Kalam
Teaching sounds cannot be removed from second language learning. Learning sounds are very important because the original speaker will not understand what is said by foreign speakers if the sound of the language is not right so this paper aims to increase the treasures of the importance of teaching language sounds and their implementation in the kalam kalah. This research is a research library research with a descriptive qualitative approach. Primary data is taken from books and journals about Aswat Science As for secondary data obtained by researchers from sources that support this study, analyzed based on content analysis techniques. The result is to teach the sound of language it is necessary to do continuous practice can be said well starting from the sound of phonemes, syllables, words, and sentences. Teaching the sound of the language can be implemented directly in the learning of Maharah Kalam with the teacher as the main figure who gives an example and then the student imitates it. From imitating and repeating this they will get used to and understand the patterns in the sound.
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‘Bunyi’ [accessed 1 June 2022]
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/arabia.v14i2.15217
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