Ta'tsir Isti'ab `Asalib al-Muthala'ah (Kitab al-Qira'ah ar-Rasyidah) 'ala al-`Insya` al-'Arabiyya

Crystalin Ainun Maliha



Muthola'ah is one of the lessons in Darussalam Gontor Islamic boarding school. using the book al Qira'ah Al-Rasyidah. There are a lot of good idioms. Ushlub's mastery of the  good idiom from Muthola'ah, will affect the ability of students in writing Insya'. This research aims to find out the influence of muthola'ah ushlub mastery on Insya. This type of research is quantitative survey. The sample was taken by 25% of the population using a simple random sampling method. Research data collection uses tests that have been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis techniques use descriptive analysis, requirements testing and hypothesis testing using non-parametric rank spearman tests. The results of this study showed that the data analysis value on 0.00 was smaller than 0.05 so it can be concluded that there is no rote influence. Due to the lack of interest in students using mutholaah ushlub on Insya.

Keywords: Muthola'ah, Ushlub, Insya


(Muthola'ah; Ushlub; Insya)

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/arabia.v14i1.15031


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