Aṡar al-Bī’ah al-Lughawiyyah ‘alā Raghbah al-Talāmiż fī Ta’alum al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah

Moh In'ami, Fathima Azzahra, Dahmani Chourouk


The school environment is the first environment for students to learn the Arabic language. The school environment affects the students' desire to learn Arabic. The aim of this study is to know the impact of the school environment on the students' desire to learn Arabic in Rawdat Al-Subyan Secondary School. And the type of research means field research with the quantitative research approach. The results of this research show that the impact of the school environment in the secondary school kindergarten boys in the category of "good" because the score in the interval 63-69 is 62.69. And the students' desire to learn Arabic in the secondary school, Kindergarten boys, in the category of "enough" because the score in the interval 55-63 is 62.92. These prove that the effect between the school environment and the students' desire to learn Arabic in the secondary school, Kindergarten boys, is equal to the regression Y = 10.26 + 0.84. The effect between the school environment and the students' desire to learn the Arabic language was with rhitung <0.82, rtabel 0.24, and the weight coefficient of 67%, and Fhitung 92.02 <Ftabel 4.00. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the school environment significantly affects the students' desire in grade 8 to learn Arabic in Rawdat Al-Subyan High School.


Environment, desire, learning Arabic

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/arabia.v13i2.12725


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