Istirātijiyyāt al-Mu’allim li Taqlīl Qalaq al-Ṭhullāb fī Ta’līm al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah Mahārah al-Kalām al-Faṣl al-‘Āsyīr fī al-Madrasah al-‘Āliyah Ibtida’ al-Falāh li al-Sanah al-Dirāsiyah 2020-2021

Silfia Damayanti, Miftahul Huda



The purpose of this study was to find out how the teacher's strategy in reducing student anxiety in following the tenth grade Arabic subject at Madrasah Aliyah Ibtidaul Falah Samirejo Dawe Kudus. The author uses descriptive qualitative research with three steps, namely observation, interviews and documentation. The research subjects were Arabic language teachers, Counseling Guidance teachers and students at Madrasah Aliyah Ibtidaul Falah Samirejo Dawe Kudus. The results of this study indicate that anxiety is caused because Arabic is a difficult subject to understand so many students complain because they find it difficult to understand the meanings of Arabic vocabulary. In addition, the demand for good grades by parents and teachers is also a cause of anxiety in learning Arabic Maharah Kalam. And the factors behind the anxiety are individual factors, intellectual factors, and student environmental factors. To avoid students' anxiety, the teacher manages students' anxiety about learning maharah kalam in Arabic by providing rational explanations to students why they should learn Arabic. Creating a relaxed and fun learning atmosphere, using supportive psychotherapy, developing a "sense of humor", using a humanistic approach, optimizing counseling and guidance services, developing a fun assessment system that doesn't burden students too much, regulating breathing and mind relaxation to help the student's body relax.


 [A1]cetak miring, Italic.


Strategy, Anxiety, Calm skillsInclude

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