Solusi Permasalahan Pengembangan Wakaf Uang di Indonesia

Solikhul Hadi


Cash waqf has great potential, but many challenges and threats are faced in the framework of developing this islamic social financial instrument. and the purpose of this research is to answer the problem: what are the problems faced in the framework of developing cash waqf in indonesia? what are the solutions and strategies that must be implemented in the long-term strategic framework? with the IFAS EFAS matrix and swot method approaches, we will try to answer some of these questions and find solutions. the results of the evaluation of internal factors indicate that the highest weaknesses are the lack of socialization to the community and the lack of professional nazhir human resources. the results of the evaluation of external factors (EFE) show that what is considered a threat is the relatively weak political will of the authority holders followed by the majority of nazhir who are still traditional in waqf management in general. after knowing the important factors above, a cash waqf development strategy in indonesia uses the SWOT analysis is as follows: (a) transparency and accountability of waqf institutions, (b) improving the quality of nazhir cash waqf managers, (c) innovative marketing strategies from waqf institutions and (e) support for waqf regulations. the next priority strategies are: (d) development of waqf educational institutions, and (g) technology and computerization of waqf management. the last but not least is (f) update and validation related to waqf and cash waqf data.


Solution, Problem, Cash Waqf



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