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Counseling Services In Handling Problems Faced By Street Children In Rumah Alif Community Foundation In Jakarta

Radhiya Bustan, Liana Mailani, Yuliana Mukti


Nowadays the problems faced by street children are quite numerous. It is necessary for cooperation by various parties in helping their problems. One of the communities that embraces street children in Slipi area Jakarta is Alif House Community. Problems they face are due to parents or environmental factors such as economic problems which lead adolescents after returning from school help parents to work, feel ignored by both parents and friends, as often bullied either verbally or physically, that make them difficult to be confident and hard to trust others. Many behavioral or psychological impacts, include: trauma, sad, upset feeling unlucky, lonely, less motivated, being quiet, feeling neglected and being a teenager who tends to be closed with both parents and the environment. Therefore, community service activities are carried out in the form of individual and group counseling to 25 people in the Alif Community to help them solve their problem. Individual counseling uses cognitive behavioral counseling. Group counseling is carried out by interview methods, group discussions, brainstorming, watching the short film "Where is Dad's Promise" participants are invited to discuss any insights that can be obtained from the story. 


adolescence, individual counseling, group counseling


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v11i1.6897

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