Modification of Natural Dyes from Ethyl Acetate Extract of Red Angkak in Observations of Soil-Transmitted Helminth Eggs
An infection brought on by different kinds of parasitic worms in the intestines is known as a worm infestation. This species is classified as a soil-transmitted helminth (STH). Finding intestinal Nematode worm eggs can be done most easily using the native approach. Various examination components in preparations or specimens are observed with this procedure, which uses a 2% Eosin reagent. The non-biodegradable characteristics of eosin and the toxic waste it generates call for the replacement of this dye with a more environmentally friendly one. The anthocyanin content in red angkak can be used as an alternative dye for the observation of STH eggs. Finding out if red angkak ethyl acetate extract can be used as a dye to identify SHT infections during fecal exams is the goal of this study. This study uses a lab experiment using categorical descriptive features, where the dye's pH (basic and acidic) and the concentration of red angkak extract (pure, 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3) are varied. Based on the results, pure red angkak extract with an acidic pH works best as a dye substitute for the 2% Eosin reagent when staining STH worm eggs. In conclusion, red angkak ethyl acetate extract can be utilized as a natural color to distinguish STH worm eggs.
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