The Development of Booklet about Making TPACK-Oriented Learning Videos Integrated with Islamic Science and 21st Century Learning

Didi Nur Jamaludin, Dwiyani Anjar Martitik, Ismi Rakhmawati, Salmanera Senja Lopiani, Anik Nafisah Maulida, Nukhbatu Bidayati Haka


21st century learning is a paradigm in strengthening educational process. The making of learning video takes a big role in digital technology development in this era. The purpose of this research is to develop a learning video booklet which is integrated with Islamic science and 21st century learning. The method used in this research was 4D type development (Define, Design, Develop and Dissemination) with technical analysis of expert validation testing using Aiken’s V criteria and questionnaires for respondents. The content of the booklet is the form of 21st century science learning, Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK), the integration of science and Islamic science, the making of learning video, micro learning video and inquiry learning video. The booklet has gone through a validation process from various experts, was declared to meet the standards validity and has through the dissemination stage to students with response of very feasible. The booklet can be used as a guide in making learning videos because it has an explanation of the technology used and the provisions recommended in making learning videos.


learning video booklet; TPACK, islamic and science integration, 21st century learning

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