Analysis of Student Misconceptions on the Material of the Movement System Six-Tier Diagnostic Test Instrument

Venty Zuslia, Ninik Ninik Nihayati


Misconceptions of students majoring in science are of particular concern to research. Because if misconceptions occur, it will affect students' understanding. The purpose of this study was to measure the level of misconceptions of students majoring in science on the material of the motion system. This research approach uses quantitative with the type of survey (Cross Sectional Survey Designs). The research subjects were 40 respondents of science majors in class XI, and XII MA Nahdlatul Muslimin through cluster random technique. Data collection through multiple choice test questionnaire with six tier diagnostic test instrument and rasch model analysis using winstep application. The results showed that an average of 23.75% of students majoring in science understood the motion system material, an average of 11.72% of students majoring in science partially understood the motion system material, an average of 57.77% of students majoring in science experienced misconceptions about the motion system material, an average of 6.27% of students majoring in science did not understand the motion system material. So it can be concluded that the level of misconceptions of students majoring in science of motion system material is moderate. This research affects the biology learning process for the future, especially on the material of the motion system. So from this research students can avoid misconceptions and can improve the professional competence of students majoring in science in mastering the material.


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