The Effect of Extraction Method on Total Flavonoid Content of Ageratum conyzoides Ethanol Extract

Irma Yuniar Wardhani, Aisyah Hadi Ramadani, Fitri Widyaningrum, Vena Famelia


This research is a type of comparative research using a quantitative approach. The study population was the population of Bandotan plants in the Kudus and Jepara regions. The organ parts taken from the plant were leaves, while the stems, roots and flowers were not extracted in this study. The extraction method used maceration and soxhletation with 96% ethanol solvent. Furthermore, to determine the total flavonoid content of Ageratum conyzoides leaf extraction results using the UV Vis Spectrophotometric method, it is known that Ageratum conyzoides leaf extract using the Soxhletation method has a higher total flavonoid content (0.32% b/v) compared to the Maceration method (0.22% b/v). The results of the total flavonoid test were then analyzed using the Mann Whitney U Test. Based on the Mann Whitney U Test shows that the value of Asymp. Sig. (2- tailed) of 0.102 > 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no significant difference between maceration and soxhletation extraction methods on total flavonoids of Ageratum conyzoides extract.


extraction method, total flavonoids, Ageratum conyzoides

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