Cell Regeneration Capability in Lizards (Mabouya multifasiata) and Flat-Tailed House Gecko (Hemidactylus platyurus)

Slamet Agung Pratama, Delima Engga Maretha, Rangga Geni, Asnilawati Asnilawati


Regeneration is a form of regrowth that organisms have to replace damaged cell parts. Lizard (Mabouya multifasiata) suborder Lacertilia and Lizzos (Hemidactylus Platyurus) has the ability to autotomize the tail as a self-defense mechanism. This study aims to obtain information about cell regeneration during autotomy of male lizards (M.multifasiata) and Lizzos (H.platyurus). This research was conducted at the Biology Laboratory of UIN Raden Fatah and Dyatnitalis Laboratory Palembang. This research method is Quantitative Descriptive, which describes the results of morphometric measurements of morphology and the development of tail cell histology tissue M.multifasiata and H.Platyurus. The results of each tail : M. multifasiata, morphometric measurements obtained morphological forms on the head (HeadL) with a head length of 2-3 cm, the body (AGL) is generally blackish brown with yellowish green color tones with a length of 8 cm, and the tail (TaiL) is black from the base of the cloaca to the tip of the tail with a length of 10-12 cm with a skin surface covered with fine scales. Based on cell examination data with Hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining showed the development of cell regeneration taken from Day 1 which is called the initial sample, the 15th tail results and the 30th tail results days after autotomy showed cell growth on day 15 with the discovery of muscle cells (muscles), fat tissue (perivertebral fat tissue), cartilage (cartilagous tube), central nervous system (meninx) and Ependimal cells (ependymal cell). The ability to regenerate tail cells is compiled from the number of accretions of cartilage cells (cartilagous tube) that are perfect on the 15th and 30th days. H. platyurus, morphology is the shape of the head (HeadL), the snout is longer than the distance from the eye to the ear. Oval shape of the ear canal. Morphometry of the H. platyurus body part (AGL), in general the body (AGL) is gray with varying light and dark patterns on the dorsal side. On the ventral side tends to be light yellowish. On the tail, flat shape with sharp sides and covered by the same small scales. Based on the results of cell observations with HE staining, it showed        the growth and development of cells in the 15th tail, on the 30th day it showed the presence of muscle cells (muscles), fat tissue (perivertebral fat tissue), cartilage (cartilaginous tube), the central nervous system (meninx) and ependymal cells. The ability to regenerate lizard cells is arranged by the perfect cartilage (cartilaginous tube) on day 30.


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