Inventory of Warehouse Pests on Grain Samples at the Plant Quarantine Laboratory of the Makassar Agricultural Quarantine Center

Muhammad Isbatullah, Syarif Hidayat Amrullah, Rita Harnita


This study aims to determine and record the types of warehouse pest insects found in several export grain commodities in the plant quarantine laboratory of the Makassar Agricultural Quarantine Center. Data on the types of warehouse pest insects on several grain commodities were obtained by sampling as much as 2 kg from each commodity. Grain commodities are taken in warehouses: rice, corn, green beans, coffee, and cocoa. Then take insects found on the surface or inside the grain. The types of warehouse pest insects found in grain samples were identified based on insect morphology. Then secondary data related to kinship relationships between insect species and data on optimal environmental factors for insect growth are taken from book and journal references. The number of warehouse pest insects found in several export grain commodities in the plant quarantine laboratory of BBPK Makassar is eight types. Insect pests are only found in rice, corn, and cocoa commodities. Types of insect pests found, namely Sitophilus oryzae, Sitophilus zeamais, Tribolium castaneum, Cryptolestes ferrugineus, Araecerus fasciculatus, Ahasverus advena, Ephestia kuehniella, and Sitotroga cerealella.


Identification, warehouse pests, grain export

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