Development of the Research Based Learning Module for Making Natural Foot Sanitizer on the Topic Eubacteria for Class VII IPA Middle School

Ferriana Diean Haq, Sulasfiana Alfi Raida


This study aims to produce a teaching material product in the form of an RBL module for making foot sanitizer as a companion in learning science on the topic Eubacteria for class VII IPA in junior high school. In learning at school about Eubacteria, students have not been asked to create products. 21st century skills make students have superior human resources. Based on the results of interviews with class VII students, learning at school in science subjects only took notes and held the LKS book. The type of research used in this study uses the RnD method. The data were collected using non-test techniques, namely in the form of media expert validation test questionnaires, material expert validation test questionnaires, science teacher response questionnaires and student response questionnaires. Based on the results of the assessment from the media expert validator 1 obtaining a score of 80% in the "decent" category, the media expert validator 2 obtaining a result of 83% in the "very feasible" category. The results of the assessment of the material expert validator 1 were 91.6% in the "very feasible" category, the material expert validator 2 obtained 90% results in the "very feasible" category. The results of the teacher's responses obtained a value of 79.5% in the "appropriate" category and student responses obtained a value of 85.8% in the "very feasible" category. Thus the RBL (Research Based Learning) module for making natural foot sanitizer can be declared to have good or very feasible feasibility.


Module, RBL, Foot Sanitizer, Eubacteria

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