Integration Pattern of Biology and Science Learning Based on Islamic Science

Didi Nur Jamaludin, Henry Setya Budhi, Muhammad Charis Mazidatul Choir, Muhammad Yusman


The scientific integration paradigm has contributed to education. This study aims to determine the pattern of integration of Biology and science learning based on the integration of Islamic science, through field studies. The research was conducted using semi-structured interviews about experiences in integrating biology and science learning with Islamic sciences. The pattern of integration of Biology and Science based on the integration of Islamic science includes aspects of affective and cognitive. Attitudes have a pattern of development such as belief, admiration, humility, gratitude, motivation and self-awareness. Knowledge has a pattern of connecting scientific knowledge with Islamic knowledge both sourced from the Qur'an and Hadith as well as other Islamic knowledge. Biology and science learning have values that can be developed for the formation of students' character.




Learning Integration, Biology, Science, Islamic Science

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