Fostering the Learning Outcomes Achievement of Class X High School Students on the Protist Concept Using The Visuospatial Wimba Learning Model

Rida Oktorida Khastini, Ika Rifqiawati, Tuti Alawiyah


The study was conducted to determine the influence of the visuospatial Wimba learning model for the student learning outcome of class X on the protist concept. The method used in this research was quasi-experiment with the design of the posttest only control group design. The population of this research was all X MIPA of publi madrasah aliya in Kota Cilegon. The sample of this research was X MIPA 1 as the experiment class and X MIPA 2 as control class carried out by simple random sampling. The data collection techniques used were a multiple-choice test and a 3D media assessment. The results showed in cognitive and psychomotor aspects for the experimental class were 84 and 85.14, while in the control class was 63 and 73.04. The result of the  hypothesis test analysis showed the significant value of learning outcomes on cognitive and psychomotor aspects was  0,00 and 0,03 respectively which is < 0,05. Thus it can be concluded that the visuospatial Wimba learning affects student learning outcomes.



learning outcome, protist, visuospacial wimba

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