The Concept of Aswaja in the Thought of K. Abul Fadlol As-Senori (1916-1991 AD) and its Relationship with Aswaja in the Thought of KH. Hashim Ash`ari

Nur Faizin, Abdul Basid, Mochammad Rizal Ramadhan, Dza Himmatin Aliyyah, Ahmad Munjin Nasih, Kamaluddin Nurdin Marjuni


The concept of Ahlu sunnah wal jamaah (Aswaja) remains a subject of frequent debate. This article endeavors to provide a comprehensive exploration of the Aswaja concept through the perspective of the archipelago scholar, K. Abu Fadlol As-Senori, a disciple of KH. Hashim Ash`ari, the founder of the Nahdlatul Ulama. This article also strives to establish a connection between the concept of Aswaja as it is found and the Aswaja concept of KH. Hashim Ash`ari. This research is a descriptive-qualitative study. This study revealed that Aswaja, as defined by K. Abul Fadlol, encompasses four distinct groups: (1) the Muhadditsin, (2) the Sufiyyah (3) the Ash'ariyah and (4) Maturidiyah. As a student of KH. Hashim Ash`ari, the Aswaja concept of K. Abul Fadlol has a very big aspect of similarity. The concept of Aswaja from both becomes the foundation for building moderation in religion. Both also reject hardline Islamists who claim to be Aswaja


Aswaja, Sunni, Abul Fadlol, Hashim Ash`ari, Moderation

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