Implementation of Self-Assessment on The Formative Test in Chemistry Using Feedback Clue

Wiwi Siswaningsih, Budi Susetyo, Zakiyah Pujiastuti


This study aims to describe the compliance every stage of self-assessment implementation of upper secondary school students on the topic of salt hydrolysis formative test by using feedback instructions (clue), the ability of students to conduct self-assessment on the salt hydrolysis formative test by using feedback instructions, as well as the ability of self-assessment on the formative salt hydrolysis test to be used as feedback of upper secondary school students. This research was conducted by using a descriptive method that involved 27 eleventh graders who took the Science program. The research was conducted in six stages with different compliance in every stage. The compliance category of the students’ motivation and self-assessment training stage was good, the implementation stage of a formative test using feedback instructions (clue) was good, the implementation stage of self-assessment was very good, the stage of communicating the results for feedback (ideal criteria implemented) was very good, and the stage of utilizing the results was very good. In the implementation of self-assessment, most students could carry out self-assessment well. Besides, it has also known that students were satisfied with the feedback given by using the self-assessment rubric and they got benefits in the form of feedback clue from the self-assessment rubric. This result showed that self-assessment helped educators in providing feedback to the student.

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