Chinese Muslims’ Ways of Being Nationalist: Combining Islamic Cosmopolitanism, Acculturation and Social Roles

Achmad Muhibin Zuhri, Winarto Eka Wahyudi, Abdulloh Hamid


One of the ideas that should also be formalized in the reform movement in Indonesia is addressing the issue related to minority groups. Chinese group in Indonesia is one of civil groups that may experience discrimination to date. As a minority ethnic and Muslim community in Indonesia, Chinese Muslims are inevitably in a vulnerable position. They should prove their patriotism toward the nation, Indonesia. This research finds out that the Chinese have been a community that exists way before Indonesia gained its independence: some even play a significant role in Islamization. Chinese Muslims in Indonesia also contribute to establishing the concept of nationalism in Indonesia. Additionally, Chinese Muslims seem to be successful in contextualizing a more substantial concept of nationalism by positioning Chinese ethnic as a cultural entity, not as a representative of “other nation,” and by assimilating local Muslims to play various societal roles. Besides, Chinese Muslims also practice moderate Islamic values to emphasize that their values do not contradict the national values of Indonesia.


Chinese Muslim, Nationalist, Islamic Cosmopolitan, Acculturation, Social Roles

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