Digital Philanthropy: The Practice of Giving Among Middle to Upper-Class Muslim in Indonesia and Soft Capitalism

Dony Arung Triantoro, Tri Wahyuni, Fitra Prasapawidya Purna


Academic discussions on transforming the culture of giving have shifted from direct assistance to long-term empowerment programs due to technology, communication, and informatics development. Therefore, this research aims to describe the practice of digital philanthropy in e-commerce and social enterprises. Data were collected from online-based e-commerce and social enterprise companies in Indonesia that have provided digital giving practice spaces through virtual ethnographic methods, interviews, and online documentation in Indonesia. These platforms include,,, and The results provide an overview to the Muslim community on the practice of digital philanthropy. In addition, this research also provides an overview of the importance of building partners and program campaigns for the digital financial services industry and Islamic philanthropic institutions.


Islamic Philanthropy, E-Commerce, Social Enterprise, and Upper Middle-Class Muslims

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