Azizah Maulina Erzad, Suciati Suciati


Many acts of terror happen recently. The spread of radicalism and terrorism is well-supported by the sophisticated media and technology. In addition, this advanced information technology is also slowly eroding the local cultures. This paper focuses on how to prevent radicalism by maintaining the local culture in Kudus regency. The method of this research is a qualitative method that uses literature study by examining some of the literatures both printed and online. The results of this study show that Kudus regency is still very strong with their local wisdom. This is shown by the Islamic local cultures which are still preserved today, those are: Dandangan, Kupatan and Syawalan, Bulusan, Kudus Mosque Minaret, Buka Luwur and Cow as Sacred Animal. Globalization tries to erode those local cultures. Nevertheless, Sunan Kudus teaching brings local wisdom of Kudus society could prevent the radicalism in this globalization era.


Kudus, Islamic local culture, radicalism

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