The Dissemination of Religious Moderation Through the Policy of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs

Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, Rosila Bee Binti Mohd. Hussain, Rahimin Affandi Bin Abdul Rahim


This paper is a reflection on the policy of Moderasi Beragama (religious moderation) launched by the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs in 2019, which has been incorporated into the 2020-2024 Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN, Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah). Moderasi Beragama is a strategic policy implemented by the Ministry of Religious Affairs for half a decade and has resulted in several accomplishments up to this point. This study sheds light on the Ministry of Religious Affairs’ efforts to disseminate religious moderation through the ministerial policy by reviewing the implementation journey since its official enactment. The study results reveal that the policy of Moderasi Beragama has been effectively working over the past five years, particularly within the Ministry of Religious Affairs itself, and has the potential for further development in the future. Although it still has a long way to go to become a “national habitus,” this policy has managed to attain certain achievements in accordance with its road map throughout the past five years.


Moderasi Beragama, Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs, Religious Moderation.

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