Deradicalization Programs in Indonesia: Perspectives of Former Terrorist Convicts

Abdul Jamil Wahab, Azwar Aswin, Fakhruddin M., Siti Atieqoh


The widespread menace of terrorism on a global scale has been universally recognized as a substantial and urgent problem. The Indonesian government should prioritize the prevention of radicalization, particularly through deradicalization programs for convicted terrorists, in its fight against terrorism and radicalization. This study primarily aims to examine the performance of deradicalization programs by exploring the perspectives of individuals involved in acts of terrorism throughout three distinct periods. The data of this study was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. This study reveals several aspects that influence the impacts of government-led deradicalization initiatives. The affecting factors include the level of an individual’s motivation to be involved in terrorism, the employed approaches, the appropriate strategy and operational procedures, coaching materials, figures involved in program coaching, and the applied methods. This study offers insight in which deradicalization programs out of prisons requires synergy with other related parties by involving existing stakeholders. The related parties can offer support and facilitate the availability of resources that ex-convicts require in accordance with their respective authorities.


Deradicalization, Preventing Radicalization, Terrorist Convicts, Program Impacts, Terrorism

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