Islamic Values in The Tradition of Samin Community at East Java

Renny Oktafia, Imron Mawardi


Samin culture is one of the few sub-cultures that exist in East Java. Samin community in East Java settled in the district of Bojonegoro. In popular culture Samin contains a lot of wisdom values that is in accordance with the values of Islamic culture. The values of cultural wisdom Samin community's need to be excavated and preserved, in order to improve the livelihood of the people, which in turn will create a civilization that is safe, peaceful, just and prosperous nation's development objectives.

In traditional Islam can be used as a guide in shaping the law syar'i. Terms used in Islam to the local traditions referred to as' urf. U'rf can be used as legal guidelines syar'i for 'urf is not contrary to the Qur'an and Hadith. Given the synergy between local culture and Islamic culture, the life activities undertaken by the community remain in accordance with the teachings of religion, but the local culture is preserved continuity.



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