Gendered Pesantren in Contemporary Indonesia: Female Agency, Institution, and Everyday Lives

Evi Muafiah, Lutfiana Dwi Mayasari, Anis Hidayatul Imtihanah, Bustanul Yuliani


In patriarchal cultures and societies, the practice of women’s domestication is commonly embraced. As an educational institution, pesantren are inherently led by the kyai due to their exclusive leadership. Many scholarly studies often neglect the roles of their wives as counterparts or nyai in the pesantren. Even in a broader society, the contributions of nyai in the transformation of pesantren are frequently eclipsed by the roles of their husbands or male counterparts. Therefore, this study aims to comprehend the roles of nyai and how they deal with cultural barriers that are essential for their public participation inside and outside the pesantren. Through an anthropological approach, this study presents the life narratives of two nyais in contemporary Indonesia and demonstrates the significant roles of nyai in the pesantren. It also aims to portray the life experiences of nyais in dealing with cultural barriers and promoting gender awareness to their students (santri). It also explores the interpretation of the gender equality concept within Islamic terms amid the prevailing patriarchal cultures and societies. In addition, it also examines the reception and practices of santri regarding gender awareness and equality. Thus, this study further argues that nyai plays an essential role in promoting gender equality in the pesantren. Nyai’s life experiences and leadership serve as an important modality for the pesantren to transform the society towards just and justice.


Pesantren, Nyai, Women, Nahdlatul Ulama, Gender Equality

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