Jihad and Interpretation of Religious Texts on Female Terrorists in Indonesia

Ahmad Atabik, Moh Muhtador


The involvement of women in terrorism circles has led to the emergence of a brand-new terrorist map of the terrorism fight in Indonesia, where women had previously played a private role solely. Their involvement in public spaces in terrorism circles is closely associated with patriarchal culture and transformation in the concept of hijrah and qital as a means of jihad. This paper aims to explore the three domains of women's attempts at terror as a series of struggles; it includes defining women's weaknesses and disadvantages by patriarchal circles, using media to encourage women's emotional enthusiasm in the circle of terror, and interpreting hijrah and qital as justification for jihad movement which becomes a spirit for women to commit terrors. The data in this study came from observations, interviews with two female terrorists, one terrorist advisor, and one ex-convict, as well as the discourse of terror-related web publications. This study reveals that male terrorists exploit patriarchal culture to establish religious authority in their organizations. In addition, virtual media is highly effective in spreading propaganda for women’s involvement in the struggle domain for two reasons. First, it broadcasted by providing fatwas on the women’s consent to fight based on historical background. Second, it propagated by offering new religious interpretations of the terms hijrah and qital as jihad media tailored to the terrorist organizations’ missions and goals.


Jihad, religious interpretation, female terrorists

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/qijis.v11i1.16342


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