Tracing the Dynamic Spectrum of Religious Moderation in the Local Custom of North Sumatera

Sumper Mulia Harahap, Fatahuddin Aziz Siregar, Darwis Harahap


As a miniature of Indonesia’s diversity, North Sumatra requires a long transformation within the framework of religious moderation to build harmony and maturity. This study aims to reveal the dynamic spectrum of religious moderation in the bubble of North Sumatra’s local wisdom. This research employs a descriptive qualitative method by involving six subjects who were selected through a purposive sampling technique. Subject criteria are natives of North Sumatra and have sufficient knowledge of religious moderation in the local custom of North Sumatra. In-depth interviews, observations, and document analysis were used to collect the required data. This study reveals a vast spectrum of diversity among the North Sumatrans. In the meantime, religious moderation is evidence of upholding religious ideals integrated with the local culture. Moreover, this research also shows how the people of North Sumatra from the following three regions, (1) Padangsidempuan and South Tapanuli, (2) Central Tapanuli and Sibolga City, and (3) Tarutung, practice the values of religious moderation in their daily activities. They performed this practice because of the desire to maintain unity in diversity and high aspirations to build a society that is peaceful, harmonious, and free from all conflicts.


Religious Moderation, Local wisdom, Unity in Diversity

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