Fathul Mufid


This article tries to show that there is “a sciences dichotomy” interpreted by Muslim today. Many Muslims consider that sciences (secular knowledge) and Islamic studies are different not only in formal object-material and research method but also the role. They stand on their own area. This study focuses on how and what to integrate those two knowledges. The method of this research is library research by analyzing some literatures such as books and journal articles. The results of this study shows that first, the dichotomy between Islamic knowledge and secular sciences causes Muslim scholar try to islamize or integrate the two both since it affects positively to life. The second is the unity of between those two kinds of sciences tends to integrated interconnection and refers to ontologies perspectives, epistemology, and axiology. Third, Integrated-interconnection between those two has three domains: Integrative-Interdependence, Integrative-
Complement, and Integrative-Qualificative.


Islamic Sciences; Integration; Interconnection

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