Ubaidillah Ubaidillah


Land conflict in Urutsewu cannot be separated from the role of Kyai who tried to cultivate a political power struggle among citizens. Kyai who settled in the village and interact with citizens occupies a high social position. The religious dimension in the Kyai’s resistance in the conflict
area in Urutsewu, Kebumen is seen in some aspects of social movements. The first aspect is framing, the second is peasant mobilization through social spaces and traditional symbols and the third aspect is the network of resistance. Each of these aspects relates with one another. These three aspects will certainly be strong when the resistance networks synergize consists of different layers that both layers of the santri, farmer associations between villages in Urutsewu, student activists, civil society organizations and institutions of legal assistance and women.


The Role of Kyai; Land Dispute; Urutsewu Kebumen

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