Religious Psychosocial Healing for the Trauma of the Children of the Terrorists
This study aims to reveal the trauma-healing process with a religious psychosocial approach to the children of the terrorists. Qualitative method is used to describe the trauma healing process analytically. The subjects in this study were 10 children of perpetrators of acts of terrorism in Surabaya, Magetan, Banten, and Bogor, who were cared for at the Islamic Boarding School, the Central Java Fostering House, Indonesia. Data collection techniques include in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. This study found that the children of the terrorists have traumas in the form of feelings of excessive threat, remembering repeated and continuous events, and feeling helpless. To get rid of this trauma, the Central Java Islamic Boarding School conducted trauma healing with a religious psychosocial approach through three phases. First, creating a sense of security and stabilizing emotions. Second, training the children to make peace with the trigger of the trauma. Third, training the children to naturally socialize with the pesantren, school, and community environment. The novelty of this research lies in the integration of psychological, social, and religious approaches in trauma healing. The implication of this research is to enrich the trauma-healing model of the children of the terrorists.
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