Local Government Violence and Vigilante among Muslim Female Sex Workers

Fahruddin Ali Sabri, Eko Ariwidodo, Arif Wahyudi, Mila Diana Sari


This article examines the cultural ethos of Muslim Madurese, Indonesian women who work as sex workers in interacting with state actors who abuse their power and with vigilante practices from non-state actors. Empirical data in this study were collected through interactive dialogue to place the key informants (sex workers) in an equal position with the researcher. The efforts built by Muslim female sex workers can be interpreted as a form of courage in fighting against violence and human rights violations. The strategies used are: a) migrants only want to provide sex services where they feel safe from violence. Some of these location choices navigate sex workers and clients to eliminate or minimize the dire risks of their activities for the sake of a comfort zone for safety. Sex workers deposit dues at a particular place to give them to the officer’s element. They feel safe from raid operations and perceive that their rights are a form of settlement from threats of arrest. They hope that Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah can provide moral, economic, and educational support to get rid of this prostitution, and hope that there will be help from NU that can protect them from violence as Banser protects churches. They have specific signal codes during a raid, such as always holding a cell phone to get information from clients and trying to memorize the faces of the officers who usually carry out the operation. This finding ultimately emphasizes the importance of protecting Muslim women sex workers through state authorities, legal officers, and civil society groups to support policy, legal, and practice reforms in Madura, Indonesia, so that they can avoid violence.


Muslim female sex workers; violence; abuse of power; vigilante

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