From Sufism to Resolution: Examining the Spiritual Teachings of Tarekat Shiddiqiyyah as the Theology of Peace in Indonesia

Limas Dodi, Amir Maliki Abitolkha


This research reveals an important phenomenon in maintaining peace in religious diversity and different understandings. All countries yearn for a harmonious and stable socio-religious system without any religious conflict. However, the exact formula has not been fully reached, including in Indonesia. There were conflicts based on differences in religious understanding that led to social-psychological pressure and acts of violence that led to regional exile. This research explores the regularity pattern of the socio-religious system implemented by an Islamic Sufism order of Tarekat Shiddiqiyah in Jombang, East Java. Thus, it can become a role model for the theology of peace in the archipelago and even globally. Several significant research results were found in this research. First, spiritual teachings applied by Tarekat Shiddiqiyah focus on practicing riyadhah (inner movements) and eliminating the feelings of envy, fanaticism, inappropriate claims, and unkind self-righteousness, which potentially become the leading cause of religious conflict. Second, the spiritual teachings elements of Tarekat Shiddiqiyyah reduce and resolve religious conflicts through several principles, including 1) the aspects of humanity through the principle of peace, 2) the concept of balance through the principle of correlation, 3) the concept of comprehensiveness through the principle of Ihsan.


Spiritual Religion, Tarekat Shiddiqiyah, Conflict, Peacebuilding

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