Interference is one of the problems faced by Arabic language learners, because it has a negative impact on the practice of Arabic language skills. The emergence of interference is caused by the low grammatical skills of Arabic language learners, especially syntax, so that the structure of the first language dominates Arabic without realizing it. This research aims to describe the elements of Indonesian syntactic interference in the Arabic language of students in the Arabic Language Education study program. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The main data is in the form of students' Arabic writing which was collected using the listening method, then analyzed using the matching method to compare the sentence structures of Arabic and Indonesian. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that the syntactic elements of Indonesian that influence the structure of Arabic in students' Insha' include tense aspect interference, correspondence, non-adjective noun phrases, adjective noun phrases, passive sentences, number phrases, verbs bound by prepositions, the use of the word "ada" which is translated "كان", and the interference of the word "because" which always uses the word "لأن"
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