Pengembangan Materi Qiraah Berbasis Pendekatan Saintifik Dengan Media Pixton Komik di MTsN 1 Palembang

Rendi Sabana, Kristina Imron, Shenyta Ulayya


This study aims to develop qiraah material based on a scientific approach which is packaged in comic media in the Pixton application due to the low understanding of students in reading qiraah texts in Arabic language textbooks at school. Learning a foreign language is not easy compared to learning the mother tongue, so we need a media that is fun to arouse children's interest in learning a foreign language. This research is a research and development (RND) with qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, documentation and questionnaires using the Borg and Gall model development theory which is summarized into 6 stages of development. The results of the pre-test and post-test scores with a sample of 30 students showed differences in the results of the pre-test scores with an average of 51.66% and the results of the post-test scores of 79.03%. The result of the material expert validator is 94.11% and the result of the media expert validator is 94.64%. The results of student responses were 85.4% with a valid category. So the product developed is effective and suitable for use as a medium for learning Arabic.


qiraah material, Learning Media, Scientific

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