النظرية المعرفية في تطبيق تدريس اللغة العربية الفصيحة المعاصرة بتعبير الشفهي و الكتابي

M. Fathor Rohman, Yuyun Zunairoh, Isna Finurika


There are so many learning theories, one of which is the cognitive theory. This article aims to examine cognitive learning theory and its implications for learning Arabic. The cognitive learning theory would be explored in depth based on the perspective of J. Piaget's theory and Arabic learning using the spoken and written expressions. This article is characterized by literature review, data is extracted through literature study and analysed through content analysis. The results found that cognitive theory has implications for learning Arabic with the spoken and written expressions, which has several aspects, namely: aspects of learning objectives in spoken and written expressions, aspects of learning materials spoken and written expressions, and  aspects of method use in spoken and written expressions.


Cognitive Learning Theory, Arabic Language Learning, spoken and written expressions

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/arabia.v15i1.21328


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