تيسير النحو في اللغة العربية (دراسة مقارنة بين المفاهيم النحوية عند شوقي ضيف وإبراهيم مصطفى)

Umi Nurun Ni'mah


At its birth, Arabic grammar (which usually called Nahw) was compiled for the purpose of teaching and learning. It was expected that this compilation could be useful for Arabic learners. The embrio of this activity took place in the I H (VII M) dan grew up until its maturity in IV H (XI M). Its peak occured in the second and the third century. Actually, the scholars’ endeavor was not separable from the many and varied activities, which included realms of fiqh, hadist, philosophy, medical science and so on. The activities were actualized in different forms. One of them was the translation of a large amount of ancient Greekphilosophers’ works that contained many ideas of philosopny and logic. This greatly affected and influenced the Arabic scholars’ way of thinking. Among of them were linguists.

On one hand, the philosophy and logic were significant matters in the growth and maturity Arabic grammar. On the other hand, the more they analysed the more complicated it became to understand. It had escaped its first compilation goals; intended to be a teaching learning material of Arabic language, it had been a material of language logic.

However, among the linguists were those who did not succomb to the current trend, since they compiled the language science from different approaches. Among them were Ibn Madha’, Az-Zajjajiy, Abu ‘Ubaidah and Al-Jurjani. Unfortunetly, so far the philosophical logical approaches become the mainstream in the Nahw discussions;so the educational approaches were buried in history or discussed as a different issue or realm. Their names did not come into view again until the XX century. A revival of intellectual questioning encouraged modern scholars to review their epistemological tradition, including the language science. Unavoidably, ideas about repositioning Arabic grammar as a pure language learning teaching material emerged.

Many efforts to separate Arabic grammar from philosophy were performed. A number of ideas, concepts, inventions and suggestions had been innovated. Among them were Syauqi Dhaif and Ibrahim Musthafa. This paper intends to discuss and review their ideas in order to establish which approach of grammar most effective material for Arabic learning and teaching, withouteliminating its significant aspects. Comparing them, it appears that each of them has a different significant that may be implemented in different Arabic teaching learninggoals.


Arabic grammar, logic, teaching and learning material

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/arabia.v8i1.1945


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