Taṭwīr Kurāsah al-Tadrībāt li Ta‘līm Mahārah al-Kalām al-Mabniyyah ‘alā Mahārāt al-Tafkīr al-‘Ulya (HOTS) fi al-Madrasah al-Ismlāmiyyah al-Hukūmiyyah 1 Pati

Lailatun Ni'mah Ellayus, Hadiatus Sa'adah, Nurhadi Nurhadi, Danial Hilmi


This research aims to: (1) develop a LKS based on higher-order thinking skills (HOTS), (2) determine the validity of the LKS developed by experts, and (3) measure the effectiveness of its use in MTs 1 Pati. The research methodology used in this research is research and development (R&D) with the Borg and Gall development model developed by Sugiyono, using qualitative (observation and interview) and quantitative (questionnaire and test) data, the population of this research is seventh grade students MTsN 1 Pati with two groups (35 from the control group and 35 from the experimental group). As for the results of this research and development, they are: (1) the production of a LKS for teaching speaking skill based on HOTS; 2) The developed LKS is suitable and valid for use in teaching speaking skill; 3) The developed LKS is “effective” for students in view of the results of the pre-test and the post-test that the value of “t” calculation (t-hitung) is greater than the value of “t” table (t-tabel) means 544.3 > 042,2 At the significance level of 5%, it means H0 is acceptable, and there is an effect of teaching speaking skill.



Develop LKS, Speaking Skill, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/arabia.v14i2.17038


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