Istikhdām Taṭbīq Moodle li Qiyās Kafā’āt al-Ṭalabah fī al-Lugah al-‘Arabiyyah

Makhi Ulil Kirom, Shofil Fikri


In this millennium era, teachers are required to follow technological developments in developing their pedagogical abilities; in this case teachers are expected to be able to assess their students' abilities objectively and efficiently. The Moodle application is one of the existing applications and can be used to measure students' abilities objectively and efficiently. The importance of using the Moodle application is the background of this research to help and apply how to use this application to measure students' competence in learning Arabic. This qualitative research is based on library research using a descriptive approach, by describing existing programs to measure students' abilities. The results of the study are; To measure students' abilities by using the Moodle application, several things must be prepared including: 1) Preparation of the Moodle program using a local host, both online and offline, 2) Preparation of test questions, 3) Preparation of test rooms, 4) Preparation of test materials, and 5) Preparation of student account.


Moodle application, Test, Student competence

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