Al-Ansyiṭah al-Lugawiyyah fī Barnāmaj al-Mukhayyam al-'Arabī bi Ma’had li al-Banāt Darussalam Gontor Mantingan Ngawi

Agus Yasin, Firda Amalia Rahmah


The purpose of this study, to find out the language activities in the Al-Mukhayyam Al-‘Arabiy improved speaking skills at Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor For Girls 1. The researchers saw this event had succeeded in shaping the environment and make them proficient in speaking Arabic every day. Many advantages of this event, researchers want to know more about what kinds of activities held in the event. This research is a qualitative research. In collecting data, the researcher used 3 methods, namely the documentary method, the interview method and the observation method. In data analysis, the method used is Miles and Hubberman. The results of the research, among the linguistic activities in the event are speeches, Arabic debates, Arabic broadcasts, poetry, listening, insya, dobtul papers, nahwu and shorof. And the events that can improve speaking skills are speeches, Arabic debates, Arabic broadcasts, poetry, nahwu and shorof.



Keywords: language activities, al-Mukhayyam Al-‘Arabiy, speaking skills

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