Tolerance Islam Theology of Education Hermeneutic Reading of Tariq Ramadan Thought

Bambang Qomaruzzaman, B Busro


The survey results on the intolerance of religion teachers in Indonesia signaled the need for the formulation of a more peaceful and tolerant Islamic theological education. This paper reads Ricoeur’s hermeneutics on Tariq Ramadan’s thoughts in formulating the tolerant Islamic education theology. There are three aspects of theology proposed by Tariq Ramadan, namely (1) educational activities are at the heart of Islamic theology, there is no faith without understanding and no understanding without education; (2) education is oriented to encourage individuals to gain religious experience that bears a commitment to participate in creating justice and social achievement; and (3) religious experience resulted from the education is transformed for the benefit of people through the implementation of education and tolerant dakwah (Islamic teachings). 


education; theology; tolerance; hermeneutic; public space

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